
The Educational Tour

The 1 Million Wallet Educational Tour is a cross-country trek through America’s black and brown community teaching the true vision and value of cryptocurrency as a financial empowerment tool. We are using Guapcoin, a cryptocurrency that was created just for that reason, and we feel its time the most vulnerable communities know about it.


Via this tour we will teach basic crypto literacy – in the most relatable way we can. The most important feature of cryptocurrencies are the wallets so we will be teaching how to set one up, what it can do, and how to fill it with money.


We welcome anyone to be a stop along our journey – as long as you can assemble a group of 50 or more individuals we will show up for you – and bring some Guapcoin along too! Just fill out the form to the right and we will respond within 24-48 hours to your request

Tour Request

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